Tablet of Vigour 800 not only all natural grassy
sexual product of strengthening of a potentiality, but also and very effective
tonic which can improve full man's health very much. It can be used and for
treatment of powerlessness, premature exclamation, refusal to get installation
and the lowered sexual inclination just as to solve or avoid the problems
extended at growing old men - including fatigue, bad memory, deficiency of
immune system and bad boiling down.
Vigour 800 is a name that can be given to any herbal
product advertised as treating erectile dysfunction. The name "herbal
viagra" is taken from the brand name Viagra, under which drug company
Pfizer sells sildenafil citrate, a drug that is used to treat erectile
dysfunction. Preparation of Herbal viagra that is all more often named natural Vigour
800 This preparation is intended for strengthening to potency for men, both as
a prophylaxis and in urgent case. Intended for men, having a for diverse
reasons sexual hypoactivity. He will help to recover the lost sexual power,
return a confidence in own forces, to promote sexual activity and potency. Only
natural, natural components, mainly herbares, roots, bark. An extract of
TribulusTerrestris (grass of creeping) is 150 mgs, Ginger (root) are 150 mgs,
Extract of bark are 113 mgs, Extract of
Poppy (root) are 75 mgs, Concentrate of oat (tops) are 50 mgs, Korean ginseng
(root) are 25 mgs, American ginseng (root) are 10 mgs, Androsteron are 5 mgs,
Oyster shells(natural calcium) are 5 mgs. Probably, all of you are known
pharmacological preparation Viagra produced by a pharmacological company
Naturally this process effects on a heart and vessels,
because after an action vessels go back into the normal state and it results in
the sharp jump of pressure. And exactly on it very much man after the reception
of Vigour 800 tests problems with a heart and vessels. In
addition natural Vigour 800 is more useful to your purse. Judge: one pill of
natural Viagra (Herbal Wonders) costs about 15 roubles, while ordinary Vigour
800 is a more than 1600 rub Oho, natural Viagra of cheap more than in 100 times
not everybody can take " the liberty of to love" with an ordinary
Vigour 800, and with natural - every day. Firstly, the extract of
TribulusTerrestris (grass of creeping) assists making of own orchidic hormone -
basic masculine sexual hormone. If this hormone is much, then the present
expressed courageousness, and vice versa, small orchidic hormone - a libido is
mionectic, a man becomes languid, without initiative, quickly gets older.